
Jolene's Watercolors ©


Canvas Prints

Interested in a painting but an original is not available or just doesn’t work for you?  Maybe you want a piece of art for a hard to keep clean area.  Canvas Prints might be what you are after!  These prints come either framed or unframed, your choice.  A damp cloth will keep the image clean and looking like new.  Each painting has an optimum size and can be viewed in the table below.  The framed prints I keep in stock, all have black frames.  Other frame colors are available as a special order.  Unframed prints have mirror wrapped edges.  Other edge treatments are available as a special order.  If you don’t see the size you are looking for, want a larger size, or are in love with a painting that’s not shown, email me.  We’ll see what we can do to get you that painting.

A rotating selection may also be seen at either  Blue Whole Gallery  or  One of a Kind Art Gallery

Canvas Display Image
( sizes for the above images from left to right: 12x16, 24x16, 18x12 )
Canvas Print Size Unframed Price Framed Price Overall Frame Size
12"x16" $79.00 $119.00 13.5"x17.5"
12"x18" $79.00 $119.00 13.5"x19.5"
16"x20" $95.00 $139.00 17.5"x21.5"
16"x24" $110.00 $159.00 17.5"x25.5"
18"x24" $119.00 $179.00 19.5"x25.5"
20"x30" $129.00 $189.00 21.5"x31.5"

Copyright 2000 -   by  Jolene Sanborn
All Rights Reserved